Dec 31, 2007

Sugar Ain't Health Food

It might be my age, I don’t know, but I am now more worried about what I put in my body. It might be that I have kids now, and I don’t want them to grow up with bad ideas about food like I did. Whatever the case, I have tried my best to incorporate good health food into some of the things that we eat most often. It is actually harder than I thought to find what I consider to be healthy, and I wonder if many are mistaken because things are often misleading.

Most think that whole grain bread is a health food. In theory, this type of bread is better for the body in many ways. However, there are many things that people do to bread that makes the whole grain variety almost as bad as white bread.

For example, I can’t seem to find a loaf of whole grain bread that does not have added sugar. No matter how hard I try, I do not think of sugar in bread as a health food. It is better than white bread, which also has sugar, but it’s still not the ideal that I am looking for.

Most don’t think of peanut butter and jelly as a health food dish. However, it can be if you know what to look for. You can find some great brands of peanut butter that have no added sugar. They are simple peanuts and nothing more. You do have to stir them when you first open the jars, and you do have to keep in in the refrigerator, but it is much better and tastes great. You won’t miss the sugar.

As for the jelly, you can find brands made with just the fruit. They also have no added sugar. They still taste wonderful and sweet, but the sweetness comes from the fruit, not from added sugars. It might not be an every day health food dish, but add it to whole grains, and it’s not all that bad.

You can find other ways to introduce health food into your family’s eating plan. You should look for organically grown fruits and vegetables, and products that do not have added sugar and a lot of preservatives. Items like broccoli sprouts are great, no sugar, lots of vitamins, and you can dump a bunch into a sandwich or on a salad.

Some of these healthier foods will have to be stored in the refrigerator or used more quickly than what you are used to due to the lack of preservative, but many feel that is much better than putting unknown chemicals into the body.

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